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In order to seize the contract manufacturing order of TSMC, it is reported that Samsung has invested 500 billion won to expand the production of 4nm

Time:2022-08-20 Views:1822
Source: it home
    According to the report of Taiwan, China‘s economic daily on August 18, Samsung has made great efforts to develop the advanced process of wafer foundry. After announcing that 3nm is leading the industry in mass production at the end of June, the yield of 4nm has significantly improved. It is now expanding production. It is expected that 20000 pieces of new production capacity will be added every month in Q4 of this year, and it plans to invest about 500 billion won (about 25.8 billion yuan) in 4nm to compete with TSMC, hoping to win more Qualcomm, AMD Wafer OEM orders from NVIDIA and other large manufacturers.
    Regarding the relevant news, Samsung said that it could not confirm the increase in production and investment. TSMC also did not respond to the relevant competitor‘s information yesterday.
    The industry pointed out that in the past, about 60% of Samsung‘s wafer OEM capacity was provided for its own chip production, and the rest were contracted. This year, Samsung actively expanded its production and expanded its wafer OEM orders, reducing the proportion of its own chip capacity to 50%. Research institutions estimate that Samsung‘s advanced manufacturing capacity is still only about one fifth of that of TSMC.
    It home learned that the first batch of chips manufactured by Samsung Electronics using the 3nm process were officially delivered on July 25. In this process, they took the lead in the industry in adopting the full surround gate transistor architecture, and the mass production and delivery time were earlier than their competitor TSMC.
    In April this year, it was reported that Samsung‘s 4nm node capacity improvement had some delay, but it had entered the expected yield curve; Its 5nm yield has entered the mature stage, which means that the yield has entered the expected level of Samsung. It is rumored that the 4nm process output of Samsung Electronics OEM has been delayed, leading to large customers such as NVIDIA to entrust the new generation products of the OEM to TSMC.

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