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IC back-end material supplier said the impact of short-term power restriction in Sichuan was "controllable"

Time:2022-08-18 Views:1831
Source: aijiwei
     On August 16, DIGITIMES reported that the industry insiders said that the IC back-end material suppliers expected that the impact of the six-day power restriction measures being implemented in Sichuan Province of China on their factory operations was "controllable".
    According to the restrictive measures, industrial power users in 19 cities in Sichuan Province have been ordered to stop production from August 15 to 20 to ensure normal residential power consumption and ensure grid safety in the worst heat wave in the region in 60 years.
     It is reported that the manufacturers of lead frames and other packaging materials in Taiwan, China, which have manufacturing business in the local area, pointed out that since they were informed of the power restrictions in advance, the impact on their production would be controllable. They stressed that they were most worried about the sudden power failure, because production and transportation might be unexpectedly interrupted.
     In addition to the short-term power supply in Sichuan, packaging material suppliers also face the problem of low visibility of back-end material orders for processing mature consumer chip solutions. However, according to supply chain sources, they have obtained material orders for automobile MCU and industrial control chip in the next two quarters.

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