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The gap between supply and demand is widening, and the utilization rate of wafer foundry capacity may fall by the end of next year

Time:2022-08-16 Views:1856
Source: aijiwei
    Gartner, a well-known research institution, recently updated its forecast for the wafer foundry industry, pointing out that the utilization rate of foundry capacity will decline quarter by quarter from the second quarter of this year, mainly due to the continuous release of new capacity supply and the decline of consumer demand for terminal electronic products.
    Gartner estimates that after the global equivalent 8-inch wafer shipments reached 22 million wafers in the fourth quarter of last year, the quarterly shipments will fluctuate between 22 million and 23 million wafers this year and next, and the production capacity will continue to increase to 28 million wafers (equivalent 8-inch wafers) in a single quarter before the end of last year.
    As the gap between capacity and shipment widens, Gartner believes that the capacity utilization rate of wafer foundry will drop to 90.3% in the third quarter of this year and 86.5% in the fourth quarter. It is expected to drop to about 80% by the end of next year.

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