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The growth rate of Shanghai‘s integrated circuit industry in the first half of the year is expected to exceed 300 billion yuan

Time:2022-08-13 Views:1851
Source: aijiwei
    On August 12, the "master lecture hall" of Shanghai integrated circuit, one of the 2022 "gathering talents" series activities, opened. Fu Xinhua, a first-class inspector of Shanghai Municipal Economic and Information Commission, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony.
    Fu Xinhua revealed that as the region with the most complete integrated circuit industry chain, the highest technical level and the strongest comprehensive competitiveness in China, Shanghai has gathered more than 1200 key industrial enterprises, 40% of the industrial talents in the country and 50% of the domestic industrial innovation resources. In the first half of 2022, the industrial scale will reach 120 billion yuan, continue to maintain a growth rate of more than 17%, and is expected to exceed 300 billion yuan in the whole year.
    According to people‘s daily, during the "14th five year plan" period, Shanghai will continue to adhere to the global integrated circuit industry investment hot land, innovation highland and entrepreneurship stage, continue to expand opening-up and cooperation, create the best business environment, provide the most attractive policies, cultivate the most active ecosystem, help the world‘s talents and pool global resources to jointly build a world-class integrated circuit industry cluster.
    It is reported that in order to solve the problem of shortage of talents in integrated circuits, Shanghai University, under the guidance and support of Shanghai Municipal Commission of economy and information technology, Shanghai Municipal Commission of education and industrial enterprises, has organized training for talents in shortage of integrated circuits in Shanghai. It is estimated that 1000 people will be trained this year.
    On February 28 this year, Shanghai officially launched the major training project for talents in short supply of integrated circuits, attracting more than 300 people from universities and scientific research institutions such as Shanghai Jiaotong University, University of Electronic Science and technology, Tongji University, Donghua University, Shanghai University, Shanghai University of science and technology, Shenzhen University, China University of metrology, Shanghai Institute of Microsystems, and Shanghai Institute of Optics and mechanics to participate in the project.

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