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IC insights: the sharp drop in memory prices led to a decline in IC sales in June

Time:2022-08-07 Views:1863
Source: Silicon Valley network comprehensive author: Aaron
    In its latest report, IC insights, a well-known semiconductor analysis agency, pointed out that due to the sharp drop in memory prices, IC market sales in June showed an unprecedented decline.
    IC insights said that according to the data of WEMA, SIA and WSTS since 1976, the IC market experienced a continuous sales decline for the first time in June this year. Generally, IC sales in June will show high single digit or double digit growth. Even in the previous weakest year (1985), IC sales in June increased by 1%. It was not until June this year that IC sales declined.
    IC insights believes that the biggest reason for the decline in IC sales in June this year is the sharp drop in memory chip sales,
    Judging from the financial results of Samsung, SK Hynix and micron in the second quarter, the sharp decline in revenue is not obvious, because the decline in June was offset by the growth in April and may. However, micron expects its sales to fall by 17% in the fourth quarter ending August. Samsung and SK Hynix did not provide sales forecasts for the next quarter, but IC insights speculated that their prospects for the third quarter were similar to those of micron.

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