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Sales of global semiconductor products increased year-on-year in the second quarter

Time:2022-08-04 Views:1872
Source: SIA Aiji micro
    According to the semiconductor market data of the second quarter released by the semiconductor industry association (SIA), the global semiconductor sales in that quarter reached US $152.5 billion, an increase of 13.3% year-on-year and 0.5% month on month in the first quarter of this year.
    According to the monthly data, the sales volume at the end of the second quarter (June) was $50.8 billion, down 1.9% month on month, and the year-on-year growth rate also fell below 15% for the first time since February 2021.
    In terms of regional markets, the U.S. market grew 29.0% year-on-year in June, ahead of Japan (16.1%), Europe (12.4%), Asia Pacific / other regions (11.9%) and Chinese Mainland (4.7%), but sales in all regional markets fell to a certain extent month on month.

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