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Sa: Amazon ring will continue to dominate the global smart home surveillance camera market in 2021

Time:2022-08-01 Views:1948
    According to the Research Report "global market share of smart home surveillance cameras - June 2022" recently released by strategy analytics, Amazon ring will continue to maintain the first position in the global surveillance camera market share in 2021.

▲ source: strategy analytics

    The report points out that by the end of 2021, the top five home security camera brands in the world are ring, Arlo, wyze, Google nest and alarm, an interactive security platform provider com。 Strategy analytics estimates that the five companies‘ surveillance camera shipments totaled more than 14million, accounting for about 20% of the world‘s 72million security camera shipments in 2021.
    The agency pointed out that ring‘s brand strength in the field of video doorbell will continue to have a huge halo effect on its indoor / outdoor camera market, laying the foundation for ring to maintain its leading position for at least the next two years. However, brands that compete mainly in the United States, such as ring, nest and wyze, are rapidly approaching an inflection point. After that, their business models will need to be adjusted to encourage sales to buy additional cameras or upgrade old products. Most of the new customers come from outside the United States, especially in the Asia Pacific region. In the past two years, the number of entry-level low-cost brands in this region has increased exponentially.
    SA believes that the mid-range price, including cameras priced between $50 (about 334.5 yuan) and $100 (about 669 yuan), is becoming a major competitive area. This price range will provide balanced profits and revenues for most brands and make competition sustainable in this segment. Like ADT, alarm Interactive security providers such as COM and vivint will eventually control most of the high-end prices. They will carry out promotional activities from time to time to increase new users and attract existing users to buy other camera products.

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