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It is said that Intel and Marvell plan to raise chip prices

Time:2022-07-22 Views:1941
Source: Reuters

    According to industry sources, chip suppliers such as Intel, Qualcomm and Marvell have informed customers of their price increase plans.

    According to Taiwan media "electronic times", the source pointed out that Intel plans to implement a comprehensive price adjustment. The new price will take effect from October 2. The price of server processors will be increased by 2-10%, the price of workstation processors such as workstaion will be increased by 10%, and the price of desktop and notebook processors will be increased by 10-20%.

    Previously, Intel did not respond to the price increase rumors, but only stressed that the company will continue to meet customers‘ demand for products and continue to bring innovation and value to customers in the short or medium to long term.

    According to sources, Qualcomm has recently informed customers that the price of new contracts will rise by 4%, and the price of orders that need to be delivered from January 2023 will rise by nearly 10%. In addition, the customer prices of some of Marvell‘s tight supply segments and products will rise by 7-8%, and the new prices will take effect from August 1.

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