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Japanese semiconductor companies are generally faced with serious talent shortage

Time:2022-06-29 Views:2034
    On June 26, the financial times talked about the semiconductor talent problem in Japan. Toshiba, Sony and other Japan‘s largest semiconductor manufacturers warned that the government‘s move to revitalize the domestic chip industry was threatened by a shortage of engineers.

    At a time when labor shortage is expected, Japan is trying to increase investment in semiconductors to strengthen economic security and cope with the chip shortage caused by the supply interruption of COVID-19.

    Last month, an electronics industry organization said in an appeal to the Japanese Ministry of economy, trade and industry that the next five years by 2030 are the "last and greatest opportunity" for the Japanese semiconductor industry to regain its foothold after losing global market share for many years.

    The Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industry Association said that the success of the industry depends on whether enough talents can be obtained to innovate and operate its chip factories. It is estimated that in the next 10 years, the eight large manufacturers will need to recruit about 35000 engineers to keep up with the pace of investment.

    Hideki Wakabayashi, head of the policy proposal working group of the semiconductor Committee of the Japan semiconductor industry association and professor of Tokyo University of science, said: "people often say that semiconductors are lacking, but engineers are the most lacking."

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