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In 2021, the domestic proportion of capacity value of local IC companies in Chinese Mainland is only 6.6 percentage

Time:2022-05-24 Views:2129
    IC insights recently updated the McLean report, paying special attention to the trend of Chinese market and semiconductor R & D expenditure. The report distinguishes between "IC market in Chinese Mainland" and "IC production in Chinese Mainland". IC insights said that Chinese Mainland has been the largest consumer of integrated circuits since 2005. In 2021, IC production in Chinese Mainland accounted for 16.7% of its total output of $186.5 billion, up from 12.7% in 2011 10 years ago. In addition, IC insights predicts that this share will increase by 4.5 percentage points to 21.2% in 2026 compared with 2021.

     Of the $31.2 billion worth of integrated circuits manufactured in Chinese Mainland last year, companies headquartered in Chinese Mainland produced $12.3 billion (39.4%), accounting for only 6.6% of the $186.5 billion domestic market. IC insights estimates that about US $2.7 billion from IDM and US $9.6 billion from pure OEM factories such as SMIC international are made by local companies in Chinese Mainland.

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