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Since this year, the production of 1693800 cars has been reduced, and the "lack of core" may last until the end of the year

Time:2022-05-11 Views:2156
Source: World Wide Web

    Recently, according to the latest data of auto forecast solutions (hereinafter referred to as AFS), the global auto market has reduced production by about 1693800 vehicles this year due to the shortage of chips as of May 8.

    Among them, the shortage of semiconductors hit the European region the hardest, with a production reduction of about 783600 units, accounting for about 46% of the cumulative production reduction in the global auto market; The cumulative production reduction in China‘s auto market was 92000, accounting for only 5.4% of the cumulative production reduction in the global auto market.

    Recently, automobile manufacturers and parts suppliers have provided new forecasts for semiconductor shortage. Magna predicted at the end of April that the semiconductor shortage would continue until the end of this year, and the supply would improve in the second half of the year. Sam fiorani, vice president of AFS global automotive forecasting, said that affected by the current environment, global carmakers will further reduce production in the future.

    According to the analysis of several institutions, the shortage of chips will continue to haunt the electronic equipment supply chain in 2022 and have different effects on different types of semiconductor devices in the main electronic equipment market. Gartner analysts said that as production enters the off-season and the semiconductor supply in the market increases, most semiconductor shortages in the field of personal computers and smart phones will be alleviated. However, some types of semiconductor devices in the automotive supply chain will still be in short supply, and this problem will continue until the end of 2022.

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