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Realize the mass production of AI chips integrating storage and computing, and then officially announce the new plan of knowledge storage technology

Time:2022-05-04 Views:2182
Source: Xinhuanet

    On April 29, Zhicun technology officially launched brand upgrading, launched a new brand logo and released a 2022 brand promotional film.

    In March this year, the storage computing integrated SOC chip wtm2101 of Zhicun technology was officially mass produced. The in memory computing unit of wtm2101 can run different types of deep learning algorithms ranging from dozens of mops to several GOPs, with power consumption as low as sub ma. It can run multiple deep learning algorithms at the same time, which can be used in multiple application scenarios such as speech recognition, speech enhancement, health monitoring, environment recognition, far-field wake-up, event detection and so on. Compared with mainstream digital NPU and DSP, wtm2101 can improve the computing power dozens of times. With its breakthrough application competitiveness and market progress, wtm2101 has attracted attention in academia and market.

    In this brand upgrade, Zhicun technology also released the in memory computing technology demo for ultra clear video processing for the first time, revealing the product positioning and progress of the latest in memory computing chip. The in memory computing chip for ultra clear video processing will be suitable for high computing power application scenarios of intelligent terminals, smart cities and intelligent driving.

    This brand upgrade not only breaks the impression that Zhicun technology only focuses on end-to-side small computing power chips, but also further defines the strategic plan of being an enterprise with integrated storage and computing technology, constantly exploring the improvement space of integrated storage and computing architecture, and gradually building a complete product matrix.

    AI chip can meet more and more AI algorithms and is the key driving force to promote the development of AI. As an emerging cutting-edge technology in the world, we hope that more teams and enterprises can continue to make solid technological accumulation in this field, realize representative applications, and better promote the landing and development of AI in China.

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