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Taiwan optoelectronics plans to raise 760 million yuan to invest in the construction of IC carrier material factory

Time:2022-04-18 Views:2207

    On April 17, it was reported that CCL plant taiphotoelectric planned to issue a convertible company (CB) to raise NT $3.5 billion (about RMB 760 million), and the price has been set. The conversion price is set at NT $263, with a conversion profit rate of 110.19%. It is expected to complete the raising this week and will be listed for trading on April 25. It should support Taoyuan to invest in the construction of Dayuan new plant and lock in IC carrier materials.

    This market financing case of taioptoelectronics supports the construction of a new plant in Dayuan and the establishment of a R & D center in Taoyuan to lock in the production of IC carrier materials. It is the largest PCB industry financing case since 2022. The construction land purchased by taioptoelectronics in Dayuan will be handed over in May and will be started in the second half of the year.

     As for the upcoming IC carrier material market, the director of Taiwan optoelectronics also pointed out that the carrier materials developed are the only manufacturer producing carrier materials with its own technology outside Japanese and Korean manufacturers. Recently, it has obtained more international large factory certifications and orders, and will expand the carrier material production capacity according to the needs of customers.

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