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Intel will seek TSMC 90nm to 28nm OEM

Time:2022-04-12 Views:2218
    According to the news on April 9, Intel CEO Kissinger will visit Asian customers and supply chain manufacturers for the second time. One of the important contents is to visit TSMC and talk about wafer foundry cooperation with TSMC again. However, this time, in addition to the rumored 3nm process foundry, Intel is also actively seeking cooperation with mature capacity orders.

    One of the key points of Intel CEO Kissinger‘s visit to TSMC this time is the cooperation of mature processes. He hopes that TSMC can provide the capacity of 90nm, 65nm, 40 / 45nm processes and even the most popular 28nm process to ensure the supply of network chips.

    At present, Intel and TSMC keep a low profile about Kissinger‘s interview, and both sides keep the specific contents of the talks secret.

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