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Semi‘s wafer shipment forecast in the next two years is far lower than expected, which should be related to the insufficient capacity expansion of the OEM

Time:2022-04-04 Views:2224
    The global semiconductor industry association‘s forecast of 10.8% and 12.8% growth in 2029 and 2023 respectively, which were significantly lower than the global semiconductor industry association‘s forecast of 10.8% and 12.2% growth in 2029-2023.


    In this regard, Lu Xingzhi, a well-known semiconductor analyst, gives three analysis points:

     1、 The expansion of foundry wafer capacity is insufficient, so it is speculated that there may still be room for price increase;

     2、 Including Intel, Samsung, SK Hynix, micron, Texas Instruments, STMicroelectronics, NXP and other large IDM factories, as well as some small IDM factories, the shipment volume and expansion of production are still far inferior to the OEM factories;

     3、 Compared with semi‘s forecast of 1-3% growth in 2023 and TSMC‘s expected revenue of 15-20% in the next few years in January, "I don‘t know how much is due to the price rise caused by the change of product portfolio and how much is caused by the shipment volume".

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