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TSMC and other large factories are actively expanding their production, and the total market share of IC plant in Taiwan, China will reach seven levels.

Time:2022-02-28 Views:2242
     According to DIGITIMES, sources said that when the new capacity of TSMC and other Fabs in China‘s Taiwan province was launched, the global market share of Taiwan‘s foundry industry is expected to reach 70%.

    Sources said that TSMC alone accounted for about 55% of the global wafer foundry market. At present, TSMC and other OEM plants in Taiwan account for about 65% of the global market share.

    In addition, Samsung‘s foundry market share is about 17%, second only to TSMC. Liandian and lattice core each account for about 7% of the market share. SMIC and Huahong have a total market share of 6%.

    Sources believe that after 2023, with all new production capacity online, the above-mentioned manufacturers are expected to account for 90% of the global OEM market share. Even with subsidies, the growth space of OEM business left to other companies is also very small.    

    Reported that Intel recently acquired high tower semiconductor, but the latter accounted for only 1% of the global OEM market share. At present, market observers have different views on whether the acquisition of tower semiconductor will help Intel foundry services (IFS) generate positive growth.

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