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Jingfeng Mingyuan‘s price rise boosts the high growth of performance in 2021

Time:2022-02-24 Views:2254
Source: financial Associated Press

    On the evening of February 23, Jingfeng Mingyuan officially released its annual report for 2021, and its performance was lower than market expectations. At the same time, the company requested the general meeting of shareholders to authorize the board of directors to issue shares to specific objects in a simple procedure, so as to pave the way for accelerating the process of asset restructuring.

    According to the financial report, Jingfeng Mingyuan achieved a revenue of RMB 2.302 billion / net profit attributable to parent company of RMB 677 million in 2021, with a year-on-year increase of 108.75% / 883.72% respectively, which is lower than the market expectation (Note: wind unanimously expects the company‘s revenue / net profit attributable to parent company of RMB 2.529 billion / net profit attributable to parent company of RMB 803 million in 2021); Deducting the net profit not attributable to the parent company was 579 million yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 1993.67%; The gross profit margin of the company was 47.93%, with a year-on-year increase of 22.48 percentage points, reaching an annual record high.

    Jingfeng Mingyuan said that the high performance increase in 2021 was mainly driven by factors such as the increase in the sales volume of the company‘s products, the improvement of unit price, the optimization of product structure, and the increase in investment income of joint-stock companies. Among them, the overall sales volume of the company‘s products increased by 14.76% year-on-year; The income from changes in the fair value of the participating company and the investment income from the sale of the equity of the participating company totaled 71.94 million yuan.

    The reporter noted that the smart LED lighting driver chip business has become the main driving force for the company‘s high performance this time. Jingfeng Mingyuan shipped 2.337 billion smart LED lighting driver chips in 2021, with a year-on-year increase of 81.15%. The revenue reached 1.064 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 162.17%, and the proportion of revenue increased by 9.41 percentage points to 46.19%, becoming the largest revenue business segment of the company; The revenue of motor drive chips, AC / DC power chips, wafer products and other chip products increased rapidly year-on-year, but the revenue accounted for 1.66%, 3.73% and 2.47% respectively.

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