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Chinese mainland semiconductor sales last year reached 192 billion 500 million US dollars, up year-on-year

Time:2022-02-15 Views:2251
     On February 14, the semiconductor industry association (SIA) released a report that global semiconductor sales reached a record $555.9 billion in 2021; China remains the largest market, with sales reaching US $192.5 billion. SIA data show that last year, the global semiconductor sales reached US $555.9 billion, a record high, with a year-on-year increase of 26.2%. Among them, the sales volume of China market was US $192.5 billion, which is still the largest semiconductor market in the world, with a year-on-year increase of 27.1%.

    "The trend of demand growth is still very strong. We just won‘t get this stimulating effect as we did during the epidemic," said John Neuffer, chief executive of the association, referring to the expected slowdown in growth in 2022

    The Association believes that sales in 2020 increased by 6.8% over the previous year, while 2021 is the first year that chip sales exceeded $1 trillion since 2018.

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