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ChipSourceTek I wish all partners a happy may day in 2023

Time:2023-05-01 Views:965

Happy May Day 2023


I wish all partners a prosperous business, a prosperous source of wealth and three rivers

    On the occasion of labor day,,ChipSourceTek Best wishes to friends:                                                                                                                                                                
    Ideal, fantasy, dream, what you want!
   Business, private, worry, everything is satisfactory!
   The road of wealth, transportation, life and road are unblocked!
   Sunny days, cloudy days, rainy days, good mood every day!
   I wish you a happy Labor Day!

May day 2022 is approaching,,All staff of Shenzhen ChipSourcTek Technology Co., Ltd. send the most sincere  wishes to all partners.

ShenZhen ChipSourceTek Technology Co. ,Ltd.,
俞小姐: 0755-27595155

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