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ChipSourceTek wishes all partners a happy Dragon Boat Festival in 2022

Time:2022-05-30 Views:1721

Happy May Day 2022


I wish all partners a prosperous business, a prosperous source of wealth and three rivers

    On the occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival,ChipSourceTek Best wishes to friends:                                                                                                                                                                
    The Dragon Boat Festival in May is fragrant with palm seeds. I‘ll give you some to taste; Package sugar package jujube package health, ensure you eat good luck; Caiwang and Fuwang are in good health. May you be happy every day; Happy Dragon Boat Festival!!

The Dragon Boat Festival in 2022 is coming,All staff of Shenzhen ChipSourcTek Technology Co., Ltd. send the most sincere  wishes to all partners.

ShenZhen ChipSourceTek Technology Co. ,Ltd.,
俞小姐: 0755-27595155